Gate Pose or Parighasana Pose is probably not one of the more well known yoga postures.
As a matter of fact, I took quite a few yoga classes before ever practicing the pose in studio.
It’s a basic pose but still offers numerous benefits.
Gate pose offers a little balance challenge and helps to stretch the side of your torso, opens the shoulders, and can also help to reduce stress in the neck and upper body.
Tip: Be careful not to practice this pose on an injured knee. Gate Pose offers a variety of benefits, some of which are listed below. Enjoy the pose!
Gate Pose Benefits:
Opens Your Shoulders
Reduce Neck Stress
Stretches Intercostal Muscles
Strengthens Your Torso
Hamstring Stretch
The above Gate Pose is displayed by Yoga/Merge Instructor Madelyn Hanson. You can catch Madelyn’s Classes on Yoga/Merge – Let’s Make Some Yoga