Ready to challenge yourself with a more advanced inversion?
If you enjoy going upside down and practicing arm balances, then you’re likely to love Forearm Stand. This pose combines an inversion and arm balance into a single pose. Forearm stands aren’t for the weak of heart, and it’s strongly suggested that you strengthen your core and also become comfortable with other inversions before practicing forearm stands.
There are several postures that can help prepare you to conquer a forearm stand. Forearm Plank and Dolphin Pose are both postures that will aid in getting you comfortable on your forearms, and also help you build the shoulder and core strength needed for many postures.
Forearm Stand Tips: Make sure to keep your forearms straight and parallel to one another. Don’t allow your elbows to slide outward. It’s also important to make an effort to lift into the pose, as opposed to jumping into it. At the most, a gentle hop may be required. Keep your legs split and wide until you are solid with your balance, then you can work toward bringing your legs together for straight up and down alignment.
Once you’re solid with balance and strength, you can experiment and be creative with leg placement. There are a variety of options for the legs as shown in the photo above with Nikka.
Forearm Stand offers a variety of benefits, some of which are listed below. Enjoy the pose!
Forearm Stand Pose Benefits:
Builds Shoulder Strength
Builds Arm & Back Strength
A Challenge & Builds Patience
Helps Blood Circulation
Helps To Improve Balance
Read More About Forearm Stand Pose Master Forearm Stand Pose
The above Forearm Stand Pose is displayed by Yoga|Merge Instructor Nikka Nadia. You can catch Nikka’s Classes on Yoga|Merge – Let’s Make Some Yoga