Firefly Pose or Tittibhasana Pose is an advanced arm balance, it’s also referred to as Insect Pose.
Before practicing Firefly it’s a good idea to be comfortable with easier arm balance postures.
The pose can be held in a variety of ways, but will always require focus and a little determination.
Always be mindful of safety when practicing advanced postures.
Firefly Pose offers a variety of benefits, some of which are listed below. Enjoy the pose!
Firefly Pose Benefits:
Helps Hamstring and Hip Flexibility
Helps Develop Core Strength
Opens the Chest and Front Of Body
Develops Arm Strength and Balance
Boost Of Confidence
The above Firefly Pose is displayed by Yoga/Merge Instructor Miyuki Fox. You can catch Miyuki’s Classes on YogaMerge – Let’s Make Some Yoga